
Fundamental Components of “Learning Life” at Tumbelin Farm

As a working farm, Tumbelin Farm is an immersive, social and experiential learning program that is built around four distinct but integrated ‘Lives’.

Counselling, case management and group work are fundamental components of the week-to-week schedule at Tumbelin Farm, a time we identify as “Learning Life“. Although they seem relatively similar on the surface, they are unique offerings that enable our clients to engage with different parts of their story, their identity and future hopes and dreams


With Counselling, the clients can share their stories in a one-to-one environment with very few guidelines or pre-determined outcomes.

Counselling is a space for the clients to uniquely understand their story, their role within what has happened to date and for sense and meaning to take place.

Our counsellor will hold space for the story of the past to be understood whilst gently encouraging and identifying ways in which they can find ways to move forward and create a new sense of confidence in who they are.

Case Management

Case Management on the other hand has a slightly different focus.

The Case Manager has a relationship that is mostly forward-focused. Identifying client strengths, accessing their resources, taking time to use data and analytics to understand their AOD use, and then creating a strength recovery plan and community re-engagement plan are pivotal components.

Case Management is the opportunity for clients to set practical things in place that will give them the best chance at long-term recovery. It is multi-dimensional and filled with opportunities for hope and purpose to break through.

Group Work

Group Work is the last of the three components to our “learning Life” structure, providing the opportunity for vulnerability, empathy, and personal sharing skills to develop.

During group work, our staff facilitate conversations and experiences which enables our clients to explore topics like identity, grief and loss, triggers, resilience, character strengths and many more.

One of the wonderful benefits of group work is when ‘peers teach peers’ and there is mutual sharing and empathy for the experiences each person has been through.

If someone you know needs help, send an enquiry or call the intake team on M: 0455 345 427.

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