About Tumbelin Farm
Tumbelin Farm is a residential adventure therapy program for young people aged 16-24 with alcohol or drug related problems.
Located in the Adelaide Hills, Tumbelin Farm provides treatment for substance addictions.
We offer effective and holistic treatment to help young people overcome alcohol or drug issues in a therapeutic, community setting.
The team is here to help if you need alcohol or drug advice for yourself or to support a friend or relative.
Lachlan’s Journey
‘Lachie’ was a typical teenager, facing all the challenges of growing up, but along the way things took a dive and he became addicted to ICE.
As time progressed, his addiction took priority over everything in life and put a strain on his relationship with his family. After battling addiction for 8 years, Lachie was tired of hurting his family and wanted to put his life back together. Today, Lachie is in recovery and focusing on rebuilding relationships with his family.
We’re privileged to share with you Lachlan’s story.
Helping you find the right support
I am a young person
I am a young person
If you’re struggling with addiction, you're not alone. Sometimes it’s difficult to understand exactly what’s wrong. You feel depressed, or angry. You might be drinking or using drugs, trying to fill a void.
There is a way out—to a life full of change, challenge and success. Tumbelin Farm can help you get there.
Talk to a team member today to learn more about your recovery options.
I am a parent
I am a parent
Our team works with families to help support young people overcome their addiction issues.
If your child has begun abusing drugs or alcohol, as a parent it can be a frightening and overwhelming time.
Many other parents and families have gone through, and are going through, the same challenges you’re facing now. Tumbelin Farm is here to help.
I work with young people
I work with young people
At Tumbelin Farm we work with GP’s, counsellors, youth workers and other professionals.
In our mission to help every young person who joins the Tumbelin Farm Residential Rehabilitation program, we place a high premium on client treatment outcomes.
Talk to us to know how we can help find the right support for young people you work with.
Together, we can make a difference.
Who can come to Tumbelin Farm?
Tumbelin Farm is South Australia’s first residential adventure therapy program. It is designed
for young people aged 16-24 who are looking to overcome the negative impacts of drug and
alcohol in their lives, and are ready to go on a supported journey of change.
Please see the eligibility criteria for further details
What does the farm look like?
Tumbelin Farm is a fully supervised 24/7 program. Within the farm, you’ll be living in a community with three other young adults and a supportive staff team. You will have your own room and share a bathroom and living areas.
Daily routines will include preparing food, doing chores, daily fitness, as well as chilling out together/watching movies etc. It’s a working farm, so you’ll be involved in looking after livestock, feeding the chooks, collecting their eggs, growing produce, mowing the lawn, mending fences and looking after the equipment we use for our Adventure activities.
How long will I stay?
Every person’s Tumbelin Farm journey is different and the length of your stay will vary too. We encourage a minimum 4-week commitment and you can stay for as long as 6 months if you need to. The longer you stay the more chance you will achieve your goals.
We’ll work with you to return home when the time comes.
Can I smoke cigarettes?
Tumbelin Farm is 100% drug and alcohol free and this includes cigarettes and vapes. Nicotine replacement therapy is available as part of the program, throughout your withdrawal period and farm-stay.
Will I be drug tested during my stay at the Farm?
Yes, Tumbelin Farm does conduct drug testing through swab and breath tests. We expect you to remain alcohol and drug free throughout your stay.
What should I bring to the Farm?
You will be supplied with a list of what you can/can’t bring to the Farm during the intake process.
How much does the Farm cost?
Tumbelin Farm is funded by the Federal Department of Health as well as the generous support of businesses and individuals in the community.
However we also ask you to make a (weekly) financial contribution of $150 to go towards food and lodging during your time at Tumbelin Farm.
Am I allowed to have visitors during my stay at the Farm?
Yes. The first couple of weeks at the Farm will be important for you to focus on settling in to the new routine of life at the farm, but after that there will be opportunities for members of your Circle of Support to visit you at pre-arranged times – usually on the weekend.
Do I have to participate in Adventure activities?
Tumbelin Farm is built around the motto of an ‘Adventure for a lifetime’, and adventurous activities such as rock-climbing, kayaking and camping are part of what we do together. We have a ‘Challenge by Choice’ philosophy. This means that, while everyone participates, the choice of how you participate is up to you.
We hope there will be times where you push out of your comfort zone and discover new strengths and skills!
Do I need to be drug and alcohol free before coming to the Farm?
Yes. There is an expectation that you will go through a supported withdrawal program and/or stabilisation prior to coming to the Farm. We’ll help you understand your options and support you through the process.
What support will I receive from Tumbelin Farm?
The Tumbelin Farm community is committed to supporting you on your journey of change. You will receive support to explore and create change with your Case Manager, Counsellor, House Parents, Farm Supervisor, Adventure Therapy Practitioners and other Farm staff.
What if I do not qualify for Tumbelin Farm?
The program is now open to men, women and gender diverse people aged 16-24. You can also contact the following organisations:
- Mission Australia - Visit Website
- Alban Place - Visit Website
- Uniting Communities - Visit Website
What if I have more questions?
Please don’t hesitate to call 0455 345 427 and ask to speak with a member of the Tumbelin Farm team or email E: tumbelinfarm@baptistcaresa.org.au.
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Contact Us
Our team is happy to speak with you about how we can help you or someone you care for on the path to addiction recovery.